Seeing Sparkles - Seeing stars is common. Have you ever wondered why you sometimes see eye floaters, flashes, or stars in your vision? Photopsia is a medical term that refers to several visual disturbances including:. Have you ever experienced sudden flashes of light or seen what seems like sparkling specks dancing in your line of vision? these dazzling displays can be intriguing or. What causes sparkles in my vision? Sparkles termed photopsias, can occur from changes in the character of the vitreous in the back of the eye. Issei Sagawa Renee Hartevelt Autopsytimeline Videos
Seeing stars is common. Have you ever wondered why you sometimes see eye floaters, flashes, or stars in your vision? Photopsia is a medical term that refers to several visual disturbances including:. Have you ever experienced sudden flashes of light or seen what seems like sparkling specks dancing in your line of vision? these dazzling displays can be intriguing or. What causes sparkles in my vision? Sparkles termed photopsias, can occur from changes in the character of the vitreous in the back of the eye.