Kentucky Government Salaries

Kentucky Government Salaries - You can do kentucky salary search by name. Look up public employee salary databases and access restaurant inspections for businesses in lexington, fayette county and kentucky. See how much teachers and other. The average employee salary for the state of kentucky in 2025 was $40,616. This is 43. 4 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 41. 5 percent lower than other. This page describes the compensation for state government officeholders in kentucky. $188. 22/calendar day during session for legislators whose terms began before 2023. The data contained in this database is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an official business record. Use the government jobs tab to search through your municipality's employment opportunities. Subscribe to job posting notifications to be automatically alerted of the latest. Search a database of kentucky state employees salaries, including branch, department, titles and hourly or monthly pay rates. We have 253,442 kentucky state employee salaries in our database. Average ky employee salary is $38,255 and median salary is $36,933. You can do kentucky salary search by name. Look up public employee salary databases and access restaurant inspections for businesses in lexington, fayette county and kentucky. See how much teachers and other. The average employee salary for the state of kentucky in 2025 was $40,616. This is 43. 4 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 41. 5 percent lower than other. This page describes the compensation for state government officeholders in kentucky. $188. 22/calendar day during session for legislators whose terms began before 2023.

You can do kentucky salary search by name. Look up public employee salary databases and access restaurant inspections for businesses in lexington, fayette county and kentucky. See how much teachers and other. The average employee salary for the state of kentucky in 2025 was $40,616. This is 43. 4 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 41. 5 percent lower than other. This page describes the compensation for state government officeholders in kentucky. $188. 22/calendar day during session for legislators whose terms began before 2023.

Kentucky Government Salaries